Abstract submissions are now closed.

Abstract Submission Guidelines

Each abstract will include the following four sections. Each abstract section cannot exceed 900 characters including spaces (approximately 125 words). 

Completed Submissions must include each section:

  1. BACKGROUND (Or Significance. Include the Purpose or Aims):
    Describe the project's relevance and importance in context of the selected theme and identified problem. Identify the overall goal of the project.
  2. METHODS (Or Strategies Or Interventions):
    Describe the project's actions and the process of implementation.
  3. RESULTS (Or Findings):
    Describe analytic findings and include actual data demonstrating the value of the project.
  4. CONCLUSION (Or Discussion Or Implications):
    Discuss the meaning of the findings and their implications for clinical practice.

Works in Progress Submissions must include each section:

  1. BACKGROUND (Or Significance. Include the Purpose or Aims):
    Describe the project's relevance and importance in context of the selected theme and why the project was necessary. Identify the overall goal of the project.
  2. METHODS (Or Strategies or Interventions):
    Describe the methods for the project.
  3. RESULTS (Preliminary or Interim Results Or Findings):
    Include preliminary results, information such as lessons learned, and/or challenges experienced. 
  4. CONCLUSION (Or Discussion Or Implications):
    Discuss the possible implications for clinical practice or research implications and planned next steps.


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